About PAHA
Creating innovative development opportunities for the Pueblo of Acoma.
Creating housing opportunities and providing services while embracing traditions and culture for the Pueblo of Acoma.
The Pueblo of Acoma Housing Authority (PAHA) was established under Tribal Ordinance, Title 16 pursuant to the authority of the Pueblo of Acoma Tribal Council and the traditional governing body of the Pueblo of Acoma. The PAHA Board of Commissioners is composed of five members, in addition to one member of the Tribal Council and one member of the Tribal Administration.
PAHA’s purpose, as recognized in Title 16, is to remedy unsafe and unsanitary housing conditions that are injurious to the public health, safety and morals; alleviate the acute shortage of decent, safe and sanitary dwellings for persons of low income; and provide employment opportunities through the construction, reconstruction, improvement, extensions, alteration or repair and operation of low-income dwellings.